
Archive for May, 2011

Birth Certificate Discussion – Evidence of What?

May 4, 2011 2 comments
I for one believe that there is something fishy about Obama’s birth. I’m not sure if he was born in Africa, like his grandmother said, or if he was born elsewhere … on that I have no definite opinion. But there’s something fishy about it, and we will find out someday. That’s my opinion.

Why has this new birth certificate version taken so long to produce? Why are so many of Obama’s records sealed by court order (by his own suits) to keep them private? These and other issues around the “Obama” topic are not getting answered, which causes me concern.

But the BIGGER concern to me is that “we” don’t care. The Americans by and large don’t care. We bought into the “Hope and Change” message, of which there has been little hope and little change. But we’re still drinking the kool aid. What this means to me is that Americans don’t care if we follow our Constitution as much as we care that we get fed and taken care of. It doesn’t matter if the Leader that brings us the Hope and Change we are craving is even American or not. If Obama’s programs like the big Quantitative Easing and Healthcare for All don’t work (and in my opinion they won’t work), then who do the Americans turn to for the next version of Hope and Change?

We obviously haven’t cared if our leader is born American or not, so why not just turn the whole thing over to the United Nations if they offer the best promises? OR, what about a Dictator? I would not be surprised if we were to choose one at some point — as long as he promises that jobs will be brought back and he swears the economy will be fixed! Where do we draw the line? It seems like we — generalized Americans — are more concerned with DWTS and American Idol and keeping our pension funds flowing even if it bankrupts the States we live in, than sticking to the principles of the Constitution (which are the only things keeping our freedoms secure all these many years.)

To me, the “not caring about the birth certificate as long as Obama delivers on his promises” is an evidence of a people that doesn’t care where their justice, domestic tranquility, and blessings of liberty come from, as long as someone else takes care of it. It appears we’re even willing to do away with the Constitution to get them…which also means we won’t have them much longer.